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Machine Learning is a form of artificial intelligence wherein computer systems are “taught” and developed with collated information or data. Among the most common goals of machine learning is for these applications to adapt or learn fundamental behaviors and decision-making processes that are natural for humans.
Machine Learning is a subdivision of Artificial Intelligence. It is the framework or system design programmed to enable an AI to produce a specific group of actions or functions. The collation of relevant information needed to build and enhance AI also falls under the umbrella of Machine Learning.
The biggest benefits that your business can gain from using TIRO AI is the enhanced maximization of your existing resources, refinement of your relationship with existing customers, and the delivery of accurate and tailor-fit assistance to all end-users and potential clients.

TIRO AI uses natural language processing (NLP), neural networks, and machine learning to provide suitable responses to each customer query. We also conduct a careful assessment of your business and services as a whole. Relevant information and data about your target leads, existing customers, and service model are all gathered and incorporated in the platform for it to “learn” and mimic the kind of responses you want given to customer queries and concerns.

Great! With convenience and enhanced efficiency at the core of TIRO AI’s objectives, customer experience is at an all time high. Our software is designed to help startups and SMEs gain leverage and stability as we transition into a more advanced way of living and cater to more elaborate customer and market demands.
Ideally, the data you need to supply to TIRO should include the fundamental information about your business along with your products and services. The idea is to teach the platform with answers to Frequently Asked Questions about your business. We also recommend that you provide past conversations you’ve had with your customers wherein specific concerns were tackled and resolved to augment TIRO’s conversational intelligence.
The trial phase for TIRO involves three steps. First, we gather the existing information that you already have about your business and your customers. This data is typically generated from your business model and previous conversations you’ve had with your customers. The said data is integrated into the platform, supplemented by the conversational software programmed into it. From there, we do test runs either by assigning TIRO to answer FAQs about your services or by creating mock scenarios where you can send queries to TIRO under the pretense that you are a customer or interested buyer.
Depending on your specific business requirements, the process may take, on average, approximately 3 to 6 months from when your data is first introduced through to the time when TIRO is able to respond to your customers effectively. This timeframe is an approximation and may differ according to your business specifications.
TIRO AI is safe to integrate with your business operations. It is a secure and user-friendly platform that can cater to varying levels of client demands.
TIRO AI is compatible with multiple functionalities. It is specifically best partnered with services where conversational relationships and the existence of 24/7 online presence are most essential to ensure there is consistent feedback and response to customer inquiries.. This includes, but is not limited to, in-depth chatting, e-commerce sites, online coaching, and counselling services.
TIRO AI offers limitless capacity for handling increasing volumes of messages from customers. It easily adapts to sudden changes or shifts in the number of end-users that you need to cater to.
Yes. This is one of the advantages you can also gain from TIRO. You can use TIRO to answer multiple basic user queries so you can maximize your in-house support representatives.
Absolutely! The TIRO platform is designed to continuously absorb new information and improve the more number of conversations it handles.
No. In fact, it will be the opposite. With TIRO, you acquire better control of your operations and enhanced quality of communication with your customers. You can use the platform to handle repetitive queries from new customers and interested buyers while you entertain more in-depth questions. Over time and once TIRO gathers more information about your end-users, you can employ it to answer more complex queries, giving you more time to focus on other facets of sustaining your business.
We uphold the safety and privacy of all our clients and each of their customers. Given the layout or setup for how TIRO addresses customer concerns, it may require some of the information that your customers consented to share with your business to ensure high quality responses that adhere to the specific concerns raised by your customer. However, this is only on an AS NEEDED basis. Otherwise, any personal or sensitive information is kept private and protected at all times.
TIRO AI is designed to suit all types of business requirements. Whether you own a startup, a medium enterprise, or a corporation with more extensive demands, our AI software can be tailored to handle it.
Yes. TIRO AI continues to adapt to your customer’s needs and demands. The more you use TIRO AI to interact with each of your customers, it consistently gathers new information to improve its responses and augment your business processes.